Oakdale East Estate 

Oakdale East Updated

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Project Name:

Oakdale East Industrial Estate 


Goodman & Brickworks 

$ Value of Project:

$85 million

Location of Project:

Kemps Creek, NSW 


November 2022 – Current 

Description of Project:

Working as part of a joint venture with Mulgoa Quarries, the project brings together two resilient and seasoned contractors to deliver the construction delivery of infrastructure which forms the Oakdale East Industrial Estate Development works along with associated earthworks and stormwater management. The two separate packages including rehabilitation works involving bulk earthworks, retaining walls, demolition of existing Brickworks Masonry Plant, stormwater drainage works, stormwater basins, upgrade of two signalised intersections and relocation of existing utilities.

Scope of Works:

The key features of the works included:

  • Stormwater management including any required temporary detention pond/sediment control measures and management of all stormwater traverses off the internal site. 
  • Sediment and Erosion Control measures (swales / channels / sediment basins / silt fencing / haybales) and all management requirements including flocculation, draining down of basins and temporary drainage. 
  • Placement of filter materials within permanent water quality basins 
  • Temporary traffic control / intersections for safety requirements 
  • Topsoil placement 
  • Formation of all batters and hydro seeding of all un-landscaped disturbed areas 
  • Civil works 
  • Preparation and trimming of subgrades 
  • Roadworks including construction of new pavement to relevant provided specifications 
  • Temporary works required for construction staging including but not limited to pavements, drainage, line marking and signage 
  • Connection to the existing Milner Ave / Old Wallgrove Road Intersection and to Latitude Road. 
  • Concrete works such as kerb and gutter, shared paths, kerb ramps, raised concrete medians, concrete vehicular crossings 
  • Filter material within permanent water quality basins 
  • Stormwater works including, new pit and pipe, stormwater outlet devices, scour protection 
  • Subsoil drainage. Where no stormwater drainage is present under kerb and gutter, subsoil drainage is to be installed, even if not shown on the civil drawings. 
  • Signage and line-marking 
  • Replacement of stockpiled topsoil to berms, batters, street verges and mass planting areas. Topsoil to be free of roots, rubbish and other deleterious material. 
  • Landscaping works 
  • Services installation 
  • Service road crossings 
  • Construction and commission of the electrical works and new street lighting. 
  • Gas spare conduit installation 
  • Potable water main installation. Liaise with, coordinate and manage water main installation onsite.