Stacey Street – Stage 1

Stacey Street Upgrade – Stage 1 & Stage 2

Stacey Street Upgrade – Stage 1 & Stage 2
Burton20200731-490 Ben Williams Photography
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Stacey Street Upgrade – Stage 1 & Stage 2 Burton20200731-490 Ben Williams Photography Burton20200731-500 Ben Williams Photography resized Burton20200731-519 Ben Williams Photography Burton20200731-496 Ben Williams Photography Burton20200731-286 Ben Williams Photography

Project Name:

 Stacey Street – Stage 1


 Transport for NSW (TfNSW) 

$ Value of Project:

$4 million

Location of Project:

Bankstown, NSW


May 2018 – October 2019

Description of Project:

The construction of Stacey Street Stage 1 was for the widening of the southbound lane including a 300m section of road between Macauley Avenue and Stanley Street. Extending the existing right turn lane from Stacey Street into Macauley Avenue westbound to provide an additional 80m in length of vehicle storage capacity.

Scope of Works:

The key features of the works included:

  • Extending the existing right turn lane from Stacey Street onto Macauley Avenue Westbound to provide an additional 80m in length of vehicle storage capacity
  • Widening of the existing pavement on the western verge of Stacey Street-South bound
  • Installation of kerb and gutter along the eastern verge of the Stacey Street-South bound; and exhume and replace sections of the existing 1200mm diameter stormwater pipe culverts and box culverts underneath new road widening
  • Installation of pram ramps and upgrading of street lighting