Wallgrove Road Upgrade

Wallgrove Road

IMG_1944 IMG_1958 IMG_1962 IMG_1981 IMG_1985

Project Name:

Wallgrove Road Upgrade 



$ Value of Project:

 13 million

Location of Project:

Eastern Creek, NSW 


 October 2022 – Current 

Description of Project:

The upgrade of Wallgrove Road intersection involves the pavement reconstruction of over 600m of road as well as the upgrade from single carriageway and slip lanes each side of the proposed Wallgrove/Subway Road to create a new signalised intersection to facilitate access into the future industrial estate. The intersection works involves the installation of new utilities as well as the relocation of existing utilities to accommodate road widening and proposed new infrastructure estate.

Scope of Works:

The key features of the works included:

  • Installation of a new signalised intersection 
  • Full depth reconstruction of the existing Wallgrove Road 
  • Widening of the existing Wallgrove Road for two lanes of travel in the north/south direction 
  • Pavement marking and raised pavement markers 
  • Undergrounding of the existing 33kV assets 
  • Adjustment of existing 11kV assets 
  • Installation of lead-in server and potable water 
  • Adjustment of existing communication utilities 
  • Provision of an acceleration / deceleration lane for the internal development 
  • Landscaping 
  • Adjustments and provision of new stormwater drainage 
  • Ancillary works, including new kerbs and gutters, paving of shared paths, property access adjustments and infill medians.