Werrington Arterial Road – Stage 1

Werrington Arterial Road – Stage 1

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Project Name:

Werrington Arterial Road – Stage 1 


 Transport for NSW (TfNSW)

$ Value of Project:

 $45 million

Location of Project:

 Claremont Meadows, NSW


 January 2015 – September 2017

Description of Project:

The scope of works for the project included the widening of Gipps Street and Kent Road to four lanes between M4 Motorway and the Great Western Highway.

Scope of Works:

The key features of the works included:

  • Construction of new eastbound and westbound exit ramps with installation of traffic lights
  • Construction of three intersections upgrades with traffic lights
  • Construction of an off-shared path for pedestrians and cyclists including a new bridge over the M4 Motorway including Super T-girders and safety screen installation
  • Six bus-bays on both sides of Gipps Street and Kent Road and the Great Western Highway
  • Revegetation and landscaping works